Home Apple Apple Sued over Exploding iPhone X Battery

Apple Sued over Exploding iPhone X Battery

The exploded battery had to make a buzz four years ago. This has resulted in the Samsung Galaxy Note 7s pulled from the market. Samsung promised to improve battery quality control to make sure it won’t happen again.
In Australia, an exploded battery incident occurred in 2019 involving iPhone X.
Robert De Rose, who hails from Melbourne, claims his iPhone X exploded when placed in his pants. As a result, his pants burned and his thighs burned. The device was a year old at the time of the incident. After failing to get a direct response from Apple, he filed a suit yesterday.
The law firm that brought De Rose case has also representing similar cases for another individual. This time, the user suffered burns after Apple Watch he worn exploded. Apple has issued a statement that consumer safety is their priority. Both incidents are being investigated.

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