Home PC OS Ubuntu 20.04 LTS is Now Downloadable

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS is Now Downloadable


Ubuntu is one of the open source operating systems that has many users around the world. Most recently, the developer has introduced the latest version of the operating system, Ubuntu 20.04 “Focal Fossa”.

As a “LTS” version, this updates comes with 5 years of security updates support. Enterprises and average user can benefit greatly from this support.

In addition, Ubuntu 20.04 comes with Linux kernel support 5.4. This include with new lock screen design, dark theme options, updates to the Ubuntu Software store, improvements to settings panel, and even Do Not Disturb mode .

As always, it also includes software updates as well as the drivers that come with it.

Above all, you can download Ubuntu 20.04 LTS today, or upgrade from your existing operating system.

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