Home Apps Winamp Ready To Be Relaunched With Interest Registration Site Open

Winamp Ready To Be Relaunched With Interest Registration Site Open


Do you still remember the Winamp MP3 player? For those who forgot it was an app that launched in 1997 and immediately became the MP3 player of choice on PCs as it offered good audio and most importantly the option of copying skins with various themes that users could change themselves. In 2018 a new version of the app was leaked with rumors it would be launched in 2019 but this did not happen.

But the Winamp site was updated this week according to the BleepingComputer site and interestingly users can register an interest to be among the beta testers. Not much is known about the latest version of Winamp that will be launched unless there are features for musicians to generate revenue and connect with fans directly.

This is probably a wise move given that not many among modern users still keep MP3 files on computers due to the popularity of streaming services. For those who are still nostalgic, this re-launch of Winamp will definitely be reminiscent of youth. I personally still wish if I want to play Winamp, other programs need to be closed because the PC does not have enough RAM to play songs.

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